Posts Tagged Dog Guide

Dog’s Fact File

Generally, it is believed that the wolf is the common ancestor of the domestic dog. Dogs’ domestication started almost 15,000 years ago, during which humans chose for particularly attractive traits, such as its coat, color, and height. This selection process has led to over 400 various breeds of a dog.

If you see the world from a dog’s viewpoint, it can greatly help you in understanding your pet better; therefore, here are a few dog facts you must know.

Dogs have extremely well developed senses. They have highly developed sense of smell, which is far better to humans. They can also perceive sounds up to 4 times quieter than humans can hear. They have the ability to hear in ultrasound (sound with a frequency more than the upper limit of human hearing). Moreover, they can see very well in dark and dim light.

Dogs are omnivores. Since dogs eat both meat and plant food, they are called omnivores. Their teeth are designed for tearing meat and are used for crushing and grinding plant food.

Dogs are naturally curious. They vigorously look for information about their environs and will spend much time probing and searching.

Dogs use different methods to communicate. They communicate each other in order to form and maintain social groups. They can produce various sounds, often in intricate combination, such as whimpers, whines, howls, barks, and growls. In order to convey scent information, they use urine, feces and secretions from special scent glands. A number of dogs can use their body, face, tail, limbs, and ears to communicate with other dogs.

Dogs are highly social, intelligent, and playful. They enjoy the company of other dogs however they can form strong social bonds to humans and become their best friend. They are also extremely intelligent and can even learn the names of their toys. Moreover, they use special signs to exhibit they want to play. For this, they show ‘play bow’ behavior, in which they crouch on their forelimbs, remain standing on their hind limbs and may wag their tail or bark.

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